Club Constitution - 2013-05-04
(This is a translation and only the Swedish version of the constitution is legally vaild)
§ 1. The name
The name is Svenska Volvo C70-klubben
§ 2. The objects
The Swedish Volvo C70 Club is a religious and politically independent non-profit organization, with cultural and social orientation, open to anyone with an interest in vehicles of the brand Volvo C70 coupé and convertible of model years 1996-2005 and Volvo C70II of model years 2006-2013. The club will work to promote this interest and for the maintenance of vehicles of the above makes and models and their cultural and technological history.
§ 3. The association's activities
The Association shall work for the in § 2 stated purpose by:
• actively engage and regularly update the club´s webpages, forum and Facebookgroup.
• publish a membership directory, if possible, once / year, or at least once every two years to facilitate contact between members.
• Arrange meetings with those who share interest in Volvo C70 1996-2013 to give the opportunity to meet like-minded people and share experiences.
• Assist with technical and general advice.
• Promote the development of new spare parts.
• Archiving car-related documentation on the models.
• Liaise with other domestic and foreign clubs with the same or similar interests.
§ 4. Governing bodies and the club's organization
General meeting and extraordinary general meeting is the Swedish Volvo C70 club's highest governing body. The immediate direction of the Swedish Volvo C70 club managed by the Board is its executive body.
§ 5. Membership
Every single person with an interest in promoting the association's goal to become a member.
Annual membership in the Swedish Volvo C70 club is obtained by paying the membership fee and after approval by the Board.
The fee is considered paid when it at the account of the Swedish Volvo C70 club.
Person who paid the membership fee is considered to have given his/her consent to publish his/her and, if family membership, any family member's name, address and car related information in the association's membership list and to be published in the association's member directory.
§ 6. Membership
The general meeting determines the entry fee and membership fee for the upcoming fiscal year.
Membership dues are per calendar year.
Membership fee must be paid by 31 December, and is valid for the next calendar year. For new members who pay full annual fee for the period 1 October to 31 December this fee is also valid for the entire following year.
§ 7. Honorary Member
A person who has substantially worked for the Swedish Volvo C70 club promotion and/or purposes may, although subject to very restrictive measures, become an honorary member. Decisions on honorary membership are taken by the general meeting on a proposal from the Board. The Board shall obtain his written consent. Honorary Members are always exempt from dues.
§ 8. Resignation
Membership expires with the membership fee is not paid, or upon written request for withdrawal. Paid membership fees are not refundable.
§ 9. Exclusion
Members may be excluded if he violated the bylaws or - by his action - damages or offset the club's activities and interests. Exclusion decision is taken by the general meeting at the request of the Board. Before exclusions the Board shall hear the member concerned, who shall be able to request his resignation. Questions about re-entry of previously excluded member is determined by the Board.
§ 10. Gatherings
Time and place for the Club's meetings are decided by the board. Members may bring guests to club meetings. Members can submit proposals for local gatherings and meetings and apply for funding for the same.
§ 11. The fiscal year
The Swedish Volvo C70 club's operational and financial year is the calendar year.
§ 12. General meeting
The Annual General Meeting is held not earlier than in May and no later than by the end of August at the time and place as the Board deems appropriate. The board call for a general meeting by notice in the club magazine, also being the club web site or by email to the member. The notice shall be provided to the members at least three weeks before the appointed day for the meeting. At least one week before the due date for the Annual General Meeting, the content of the following documents should be made available to the members through the association's member magazine, or by email to the member or the association's website.
The Meeting is a quorum with the number of voting members present. It should contain;
• Draft agenda
• Annual Report
• The income statement and balance sheet
• Audit Report
• The committee's proposal
• Bills
• Motions and with the Board's opinion on them
The notice shall also include information on that a member in writing is able to request these documents via e-mail from the Board.
At the Annual General Meeting the following points are addressed:
1 Determination of the voting list
2 Desicion if the meeting is duly convened
3 Approval of the agenda
4 Election of meeting chairman and meeting secretary
5 Election of two persons to count votes
6 Presentation of the annual report and the financial report
7 Presentation of the Audit Report
8 Approval of profit and loss statement
9 Matter of economical responsibility of the Board
10 Election of Chairman
11 Election of Vice Chairman
12 Election of board members and Deputy board members
13 Selection of auditors and deputy auditors
14 Appointment of Nomination Committee
15 Consideration of proposals from the Board
16 Consideration of motions from members
17 Determination of the admission fee, membership fee and budget for the coming financial year.
18 Closure of the meeting.
The protocol shall be available for members via the association's member newspapers or the association's website. Members can also provide a requisition of the protocol by e-mail from the Board.
§ 13. Extraordinary general meeting
Extraordinary general meeting may be held
• when the Board so call or
• when requested by the auditor or
• when at least 1 / 10 of the members provide a written request.
The Board shall, if such a request, call a special general meeting within 3 weeks. The invitation is made by notice in the club magazine or by email to the member. The notice shall be provided to the members at least one week before the due date for extraordinary general meeting and shall specify the matters which prompted the meeting.
At an extraordinary general meeting the following points are addressed:
1 Determination of the voting list
2 Ask if the meeting is duly convened
3 Approval of the agenda
4 Election of meeting chairman and meeting secretary
5 Election of two persons to count votes
6 Cases that led to the meeting
7 Closure of the meeting
At an extraordinary general meeting, only those cases that prompted the meeting are to be dealt with.
§ 14. Voting at the Meeting
Each member has one vote. Voting is open unless secret vote is requested. Voting by proxy or power of attorney may not take place. When a tie, decision is taken by lottery decision.
Decisions are taken by simple majority except regarding change of statutes (see § 21) and the association's resolution (see § 22).
§ 15. Election, term of office and eligibility
At the meeting elections are made of
• Board members for a period of two years. Half the number to be elected each year.
• Substitutes for a period of two years.
• Auditor for a period of one year.
• Nominating Committee for a term of one year.
Board tasks such as treasurer, secretary, etc. are to be divided among the board members at the first board meeting. No person shall be elected to several board seats simultaneously. Selectable to the Board and the Nomination Committee are members of the association. The terms of office run from meeting to meeting.
§ 16. The Board
The association's board shall consist of:
• At least three regular members.
• 2-4 deputy board members.
The Board constitutes a quorum when all members are called and more than half the members are present. When a tie, decisions are taken by lottery decision.
Board meetings are called by the chairman or when at least half the members so wish, but at least four times a year.
The Board elects from among its members or external members: Secretary, treasurer, editor, publisher of the magazine, webmaster, membership manager, club shop manager, insurance manager, technical officer, archivist, etc.
The association's name is signed by the chairman and the treasurer of the association.
§ 17. Registered Office
The registered office is placed in Skara
§ 18. Revision
General meeting appoints:
• An approved or authorized public accountant
• an approved or authorized deputy.
The Board shall, by the end of March, provide the accounting auditor an annual report for scrutiny.
The auditor shall at any time during the fiscal year on request, obtain access to records, accounting documents and cash for the required inspections.
The auditor shall in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, review the board's administration and accounts for the latest business and financial year and to the Board no later than two weeks before the meeting submit the audit report.
§ 19. Nomination
For preparation of the election of board members and auditors, the general meeting shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of 2-3 members, one of whom shall be the chairperson.
Nominations for new board members to the Board shall be submitted at least two weeks before the meeting.
§ 20. Motions and Bills
Motions from Member shall be presented to the Board in writing no later than the end of March to be considered at the annual general meeting. Motions and bills which do not relate to the amendment of statues are, to become effective, adopted by the general meeting by at least a simple majority.
§ 21. Amendment of rules
Resolution adopting the proposed bylaw amendments are made, to become effective, at the general meeting by at least 2/3 majority of those present voting members.
§ 22. Dissolution
Only the board of The Swedish Volvo C70 club may recommend that the organization is voluntarily dissolved. To be valid, such a decision has to be taken att two consecutive general meetings, one of which shall be permanent, with at least 3/4 majority of those present. Dissolved Swedish Volvo C70 Club, its assets and possessions sent to the organization with an interest in vehicles of the brand Volvo. Appropriate organization proposed by the Board at the annual meeting.
Amendments from the 2012-05-12 meeting in 3§ inserted.