Here are some pictures of members cars:
Björn Ljunggrens pearl:
A new way to use the key ring:
Lars Kock has a C70 black adder...
Magnus Sjögren has a C70 that really is on fire:
Mikael Andreasson and his "silver arrow":
Lars Roos nice cab 2.4T from 2000. After 100000 km looking as new!:
Gunnar Thiede and Urban Nyblom showed their C70 at the meeting in Nyköping 8/6 where the theme was Swedish cars:
Thilo Marioth at the Ånnebodaträffen outside Örebro found three C70 where this car showed a clean engine compartment:
Bo Algers cabriolet at lake Vänern.
Uno Svenssons saffran-coupé:
Ulf Nordin in Vellinge has just imported a promising car from Germany...
Eva Kristiansens and Tommy Borgs precious car:
Claes and Lill-Ann Cronholms red coupé next to their cab with twin exhaust pipes...
Gunnar and Marianne Thiede participating at the inaugural meeting in Uddevalla:
Emil Ströms nice coupé in Skärhamn: