Web pages:
C70 models

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Members cars

About the Volvo C70
The Swedish Volvo C70 club
Members log in here: The Volvo C70 - a car to desire!

(News for members are found in the log in-protected area for members only!)
Some local Swedish events are presentet only at the corresponding Swedish version of the web site. Take a look!
Pay your dues for 2014! The club has accepted the entry of the Volvo C70N and owners of such are greeted warmly welcome to the club!
04/13/2014 Our Annual General Meeting is taking place on May 10th at Motala Motormuseum, Motala. Check out the program at the members club site!
A meetings calendar for 2014 is now launched. Cliock on the picture in the right margin. It will be updated regularly, so keep checking!
Today, the last Volvo C70 rolled off the line at the factory in Uddevalla. See it happen here!
UNIQUE VOLVO CARS, C70 CORTEGE (click), OPENING OF EXHIBITION ON BOHUS COUNTY MUSEUM! This was the program of the manifestation in association with the closure of the Volvo Uddevalla factory.
Read all about the event by clicking on the image:

Read the articles on the history of the Uddevalla factory, The design of the C70 and Technical support - NOW AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH on our member pages! Sincere thanks to our members Chris Watson and Susie Larfors who translated.
Are you driving a Volvo C70 2006-2013??

The Volvo C70 club has expanded its area of interest to cover also the all new Volvo C70N. Are you driving a Volvo C70 model year 2006-2013? Welcome to enrol as a member in the Swedish Volvo C70-club!
16.09.12 »
We are pleased to inform that members abroad can now pay their membership fees through Pay Pal. E-mail katterholm@gmail for further details!
29.08.12 »
Our diligent member Mark McCourt from Vermont, was at the Swedish Car Day celebration at the Larz Anderson Automobile Museum in Brookline, Massachusetts the other day and of course showed not only his beautiful C70 but also material from the club.

Mark´s dark blue beauty next to a younger Volvo...

Some C70 stuff made in the USA!
02.08.12 »
It was the Roger Moore movies about The Saint that made Volvo P1800 famous, but of course the Volvo C70 has also been used in many movies! Click the image with the C70 in the Bond film 'Die another day' and see the C70 in various movies. If you are a member of our club you can read the story written exclusively for us by Volvo´s Bob Austin about how the C70 became a part of the movie 'The Saint' with Val Kilmer!

20.07.12 »
We congratulate the Uddevalla factory to the Best in Europe award by J.D.Powers! Read more here.
31.05.12 »
The spring meeting at Upplands motor in Sollentuna attracted many interested in listening to Rickard Rydell! (Photos Lars Kock and Hans Atterholm)

Frederick Scolander listens to what Rickard Rydell has to tell.

Upplands Motor in Sollentuna was co-arranging the meeting with us and opened their fantastic localities for us.

C70-ies piling up in the rain at the parking lot.

Voting on the finest Coupè, finest Cab och finest pimped C70. 118 votes were casted and the finest coupé was awarded NWW805 belonging to father and son Gunnar and Johan Edeland, finest cabriolet to Gunnar Thiede, RST849 and finest pimped C70 to RAZ414, Johnny Starborg. The winners got a nice cup and diploma. Congratulations!
03.11.11 »
Our logo is ready! It is designed by Anders Gunnarson, who also designed the exterior of the Volvo C70! You find it on top of the page.
04.10.11 »
It is with great sadness we heard the news today that Volvo will close the factory in Uddevalla in 2013. We are very pleased that we were given the opportunity to convene the meeting with the formation of our club at the plant and with the support you gave us. We think of all the talented car builders and hope of course that all staff should be able to find a good transition to other jobs at Volvo or elsewhere. The Swedish Volvo C70 club send our best wishes to all staff and with our activities we will contribute to preserving the memory of the good work that is accomplished in the Uddevalla plant.
The Uddevalla plant; the worlds most beautifully located car factory!
29.05.11 »
On the Saturday 28/5 60 C70-enthusiasts in 32 C70 cars ignored the rainy clouds and gathered at the Pininfarinas car factory in Uddevalla and constituated the Swedish Volvo C70-club:

We heard Anders Gunnarsson tell us about the process of creating the exterior design:

Claes Rydholm, who was responsible for the press material at the presentation of the C70 and who now is responsible for Volvo heritage presents some precious material to the club and its newly elected chairman Bo Algers:

Björn Fredholm presents the Pininfarina factory and the production of the current C70 model:

Talking C70...

A shrimp sandwich before the factory study tour:

The Pininfarina beautifully located plant in Uddevalla:

The C70-club web shop:
Member of SVIS

How to become a member of the Swedish Volvo C70-club: ...................................................
All who are interested in the Volvo C70 coupé and convertible of model years 1996-2013 are welcome to participate. Contact our member responsible janaage.haaland@gmail.com and register your interest! Membership fee can be paid through Pay Pal.
You can also write letters to us at: The Swedish Volvo C70 club c/o Algers Skarviksvägen 17a SE-47537 Bohus-Björkö
Members discuss on Facebook

or at the

Do as Buzz Aldrin
- drive a C70!

Roger Moore swiched to a C70!
